A More in Depth Look At The Process Of Initiation:
Reiki is a simple practice of hands on healing. It’s roots are found in Vajrayana Tantric Buddhism, which is one of the Japanese forms of Buddhism.
Reiki is derived from this form & is called Shingon.
Dr.Usui ,a Japanese Shingon practitioner rediscovered the ancient text, the Tantra of the Lightning Flash which heals the body & Illumines the mind in 1986.
He began practicing the sadhanas or meditations described in it, until obtained the direct realization of the initiations which were laid out in the text.
During Usui’s time he could find no living master who still carried the lineage of these initiations.
It was only through pure grace & his own efforts that he realized them. From that moment, he was able to recreate the attunements & pass them on to others.
Because of his compassion as both a physician & Buddhist practitioner he created a practice for every human being irrespective of his background & not necessarily taking Buddhist refuge.
He used the basic structure of Tantric initiation or what is called abhisheka in Buddhist Tantra, mantra diksha in the Hindu Tradition or kanjo in Shingon itself to convey the different levels or degrees of both the Buddhist & Reiki practices. In the Tantra tradition, both Buddhist & Hindu
Initiation can take many forms, depending upon it’s purpose & the particular style of transmission from teacher to student.
In George Feverstein’s book, Tantra-
The Path of Ecstasy,
he mentiones four kinds of initiations as they are specified in the Hindu Sharada Tilaka Tantra.
They include:
1. Empowerment through rituals, called kriyavati diksha or mantra diksha.
2. Empowerment through awakening the power of sound, later generating the direct experience of the power of consciousness, called Varnamayi diksha.
3. Empowerment by placing subtle energies into the physical vessel of the student thereby calling forth the immediate manifestation of their powers, called Kalatma diksha.
Empowerment through the direct awakening of the kundali in the root charka(mooladhara) & guiding it safely into the crown charka(sahasra) thereby granting immediate liberation from the cycle of birth, death & rebirth called Vedhamayi diksha.
As the Sanskrit term vedha suggests in this form of initiation the students body/mind is directly pierced by enlightened energy of the transmission lineage which may manifest as the experience of non-casual bliss as bodily shaking, a sense of a new beginning as if reborn, it may also cause a student to faint or fall into a deep & dreamless sleep.
A More in Depth Look At The Process Of Initiation:
Reiki is a simple practice of hands on healing. It’s roots are found in Vajrayana Tantric Buddhism, which is one of the Japanese forms of Buddhism.
Reiki is derived from this form & is called Shingon.
Dr.Usui ,a Japanese Shingon practitioner rediscovered the ancient text, the Tantra of the Lightning Flash which heals the body & Illumines the mind in 1986.
He began practicing the sadhanas or meditations described in it, until obtained the direct realization of the initiations which were laid out in the text.
During Usui’s time he could find no living master who still carried the lineage of these initiations.
It was only through pure grace & his own efforts that he realized them. From that moment, he was able to recreate the attunements & pass them on to others.
Because of his compassion as both a physician & Buddhist practitioner he created a practice for every human being irrespective of his background & not necessarily taking Buddhist refuge.
He used the basic structure of Tantric initiation or what is called abhisheka in Buddhist Tantra, mantra diksha in the Hindu Tradition or kanjo in Shingon itself to convey the different levels or degrees of both the Buddhist & Reiki practices. In the Tantra tradition, both Buddhist & Hindu
Initiation can take many forms, depending upon it’s purpose & the particular style of transmission from teacher to student.
In George Feverstein’s book, Tantra-
The Path of Ecstasy,
he mentiones four kinds of initiations as they are specified in the Hindu Sharada Tilaka Tantra.
They include:
1. Empowerment through rituals, called kriyavati diksha or mantra diksha.
2. Empowerment through awakening the power of sound, later generating the direct experience of the power of consciousness, called Varnamayi diksha.
3. Empowerment by placing subtle energies into the physical vessel of the student thereby calling forth the immediate manifestation of their powers, called Kalatma diksha.
Empowerment through the direct awakening of the kundali in the root charka(mooladhara) & guiding it safely into the crown charka(sahasra) thereby granting immediate liberation from the cycle of birth, death & rebirth called Vedhamayi diksha.
As the Sanskrit term vedha suggests in this form of initiation the students body/mind is directly pierced by enlightened energy of the transmission lineage which may manifest as the experience of non-casual bliss as bodily shaking, a sense of a new beginning as if reborn, it may also cause a student to faint or fall into a deep & dreamless sleep.
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